This page has instructions on how to build Open-TEE for android devices. Currently tested only on android 5.1+ .

Quick Setup Guide

Start by following the instructions here to setup your android build environment and download the android source code (e.g. to $HOME/android_source ).

Add the following to your .bashrc file or to a file you will source on each shell.

export ANDROID_ROOT="$HOME/android_source"
export USE_CCACHE=1
export CCACHE_DIR="$HOME/android_source/.ccache"
$ANDROID_ROOT/prebuilts/misc/linux-x86/ccache/ccache -M 50G
source "$HOME/android_source/build/"

Inside $ANDROID_ROOT create a link to the directory you have downloaded Open-TEE to (e.g. $HOME/Open-TEE ) like so:


Now to build just run


to choose the target and then

make clean && make opentee-engine libManagerApi libInternalApi libLauncherApi libCommonApi libta_conn_test_app conn_test_app libtee

to build all the Open-TEE modules. You can find all the available modules by doing grep -ir "LOCAL_MODULE " Open-TEE/ where Open-TEE/ is the directory containing the Open-TEE source code.

The output files will by default be located in $ANDROID_ROOT/out/target/product/generic\*/ (depending on the architecture). You should also be able to see the output directory path if you do echo $OUT.

To deploy those binary files to an Android device you can choose one of two methods:

###ADB (needs root on device)

To copy those files to an android device you can use the script located in Open-TEE/project/ . The script assumes the adb binary is in your $PATH and that $OUT contains the directory where the binaries were outputted.

Note: root access on the device is needed for this.

The files should now be installed on /system/lib/{ta,tee} and /system/bin on the device. Do adb root to start adb with root privileges and then adb shell to get a shell on the device.

From the adb shell:

In case the files do not have an execution permission add it with something like:

chmod +x /system/bin/opentee-engine
chmod +x /system/bin/conn_test_app

And run Open-TEE with


Verify that Open-TEE is running with ps:

ps | grep tee

####Importing and testing a TA via adb

Modify Open-TEE/project/ to also copy your TA .so file to the /system/lib/ta/ directory and your CA to /system/bin/ Run your CA to test the TA directly via adb shell with /system/bin/ and check logcat or gdb on android for debugging output.

###Android Studio

This method uses an Android Studio project that packages Open-TEE inside an application and installs/runs it to the home directory of the app.

Start by cloning the repo with

git clone
cd opentee-android/

Then import all the binaries built to the opentee_mainapp module (that packages Open-TEE) by using the opentee_mainapp/ For each architecture compiled (armeabi, armeabi-v7a, x86) you should re-run the with the appropriate argument (do ./ -h for help).

After the import and assumming you have downloaded and installed Android Studio use it to open the opentee-android project (File/Open…). You might need to specify the Android NDK or Android SDK directory in but the IDE should in most cases detect those by itself.

You can then build and run the testapp module that is a reference usage implementation and demonstrates how to install/run Open-TEE and other binaries. For more information on how to use opentee-android check the included in the project.


If you get errors similar to:

D/tee_manager(32036): opentee/emulator/opentee-main/main.c:load_lib:166  Failed to load library, /system/lib/ : dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol "mempcpy" referenced by ""...
D/tee_launcher(32037): opentee/emulator/opentee-main/main.c:load_lib:166  Failed to load library, /system/lib/ : dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol "mempcpy" referenced by ""...

Then most probably the android tree that you are building with does not match the tree on the device and thus you might also have to push the generated (or other lib*.so files) to the device.

Note: that this is unsafe and might result in your device malfunctioning. It is a good idea to take a backup of the /system/lib/lib*.so files or even a complete ROM backup if you have a custom recovery.

If you get errors similar to

error: unknown target 'opentee-engine'

or for another Open-TEE module then consider copying the $HOME/Open-TEE directory directly under the $HOME/Open-TEE $ANDROID_ROOT/ tree instead of symlinking since that might be causing the issues.